Cam aşa ar trebui: să ne privim cu toţii în ochi, fără nici o teamă, dincolo de aparenţe, scopuri înguste, formalisme, deosebiri. Ca şi cum ar fi cineva acolo, la capătul celălalt al privirii. Da, ne-ar trebui mai întîi un pic de curaj, să depăşim propriile temeri, apoi pe-ale celorlalţi. Aşa se pare, pentru toate lucrurile semnificative în viaţă, curajul e esenţial.
Chris Rea a spus-o cel mai bine.
Chris Rea - Nothing to fear
I feel your heat in dusty whispers
The wind is cold around your moon
It's getting hard to keep our distance
I know your time is coming soon
Don't point your dream on my horizon
Don't take your rose too far from home
Please don't forget we're not each other
Each soul has black thorns of his own
I see you dancing
Your song is clear
You've got to show me, got to show me
There's nothing to fear
Nothing to fear
I have my loved ones you have yours
So let us gaze upon the feast
In god's own name let's eat together
In god's own name please come in peace
See how our children play together
While you and me we stand alone
I know we'll never be each other
If I leave you leave me alone
I see you dancing
Your song is clear
You've got to show me, got to show me
There's nothing to fear
Nothing to fear
One page from Philip Short's magisterial 'Putin: His Life and Times' (2022)
explains the Ukrainian war
I was travelling a lot and wanted to blog about my travels but have failed
to do so. Perhaps I shall find time to write about it.
Meanwhile, I recently re...
Acum 3 zile
Un comentariu:
De acord cu cu mine nu am ajuns la un acord in aceasta privinta, a curajului...
In afara de postarea propriu-zisa mi-au atras atentia etichetele...excelenta sinteza:)
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