Floor Jansen - Bridle Passion [Live @AFAS]
You were perfect from the start
You never realized it yourself
what's really inside you
And you fight a battle every day
It drains your power
You think you can't do it
Don't believe everything you see
Because your mirror is lying to you
Take heart in spite of the sadness
A precious stone shines on your chest
Unique like amaranth, believe in it
you are a diamond
Far away from the others
Are you hiking alone?
But you'll get there eventually
Don't believe everything you see
Because your mirror is lying to you
Take heart in spite of the sadness
A precious stone shines on your chest
Unique like amaranth, believe in it
you are a diamond
Take heart in spite of the sadness
A precious stone shines on your chest
Unique like amaranth, believe in it
you are a diamond
Take heart in spite of the sadness
A precious stone shines on your chest
Unique like amaranth, believe in it
you are a diamond
… Noi sîntem Ochi-de-Oțel, nu ne temem nici de fel, nici de acizi, nici de baze, nici de nopțile albe, nici de zilele negre…
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JOKER (Gabriel Bardac)