Miami Horror ft. Kimbra - I Look To You
... I wanna change the future as I look into your eyes... [....]
MIAMI HORROR FT. KIMBRA - I Look To You lyrics
See her world lit so bright
See her bird take flight
See her face wild and charged
See her quickened heart
So if we fall, imagine that
Imaginations fly
So here I hold for what you are
See all that I'm looking for
I look to you
The future we've found
To stay here on higher ground
The future we've found
To stay here on higher ground
I look to you...
I wanna change the future as I look into your eyes
I wanna change the future as I look into your eyes
I wanna change the future as I look into your eyes
I wanna change the future as I look into your eyes
The future as I look into your- look into your- look into your eyes
I look to you
The future we've found
To stay here on higher ground
The future we've found
To stay here on higher ground
The future we've found
To stay here on higher ground
The future we've found
To stay here on higher ground
I look to you...
I look to you
The future we've found
To stay here on higher ground
The future we've found
To stay here on higher ground
I look to you...
9 comentarii:
de-am putea schimba viitorul atat de simplu,viitorul ar fi cu siguranta frumos...
Păi cică îl schimbăm, cu fiecare acţiune a noastră. Viitorul e într-o permanentă schimbare, din cauza acţiunilor noastre. Mi-a zis cineva.
Uita-te mai bine!:)
@ Dreamer: Poate mă uit fără să văd...
Sînt doar un om, la urma urmei.
Stii ochii sufletului. Aparentele sunt asa cum sunt.
Si apoi...vrei sa vezi?
@ Dreamer: Cu ochii sufletului am văzut, deja... Limitările vin din altă parte. Din lumea concretului.
Vai ,am vazut filmul si m-a uns la suflet ras sper sa-ti placa
App şi de ceea ce a spus Pandhora, cre'că putem schimba cam tot ce dorim. Dacă ne dorim...
@ Blue: Să dea Dumnezeu să fie cum zici tu...
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